Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Post from the Past: Fourth of July Activities

Peter's birthday was on the third of July, so our family, along with Peter's friend Luke,

took a trip to our friends house in the country. We had a wonderful time hiking through

the woods, swimming in the pond, jumping on the trampoline, romping with our friends,

and shooting Peter's guns.

Peter watches Luke take a shot with his Mosin Nagant 1891/30 rifle.

Our gracious hostess, Catherine Clarke,

with her favorite piece of Classical Literature: Dr. Suess's Thidwick.

Olivia and Luther and the turtle that was found during a hike.

The birthday cake!

Rachel Clarke, age 12, takes a shot with a 22.

I, Ruby, take a shot with Peter's Mosin Nagant rifle.

Peter with one of his gifts: The Complete Memiors of Nepoleon.

A bountiful feast!

Mommy and Mrs. Clarke admiring God's creation.

Daddy took some amazing shots of Peter jumping on the trampoline.

My personal favorite...

Celebrating the Fourth around a bonfire. From left to right: Gabriel, Duncan,

Natalie Clarke, Andrea C., Willa Howard, Rachel C., Emma H., Olivia H.,

Mr. C., and Ruby.

Even Daddy had fun with the sparklers...


The Serven Clan said...

Hey Peter,

What kind of shells does the Mosin Nagant take?


Anonymous said...

Hey Benny,
this is Peter here, the shells are a 7.62 54R round. It is essentially a 30 caliber round. I hope it was helpful.

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Ben please forgive Peter for calling you Benny....he was only teasing you, because he knows how much you hate being called that....

The Hopkins Family