Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tooth Fairies And A Lithp

Luther had a loose tooth! But being sensitive, he naturally wanted to wait before it got yanked out... Wait until it was really really loose. Well that happened yesterday... he finally got it partially out...

As you can very distinctively see...

However, getting it ALL the way out proved to be a painful difficulty for him to undertake...

Although he was so happy for doing the first part, he wasn't sure if he could summon up the courage to do finish it...

The professional takes over....








...And it's out!

The culprit...

Mother confessed that she was loathe for Luther to part with his (now third) tooth... Once they loose their baby teeth, it changes their features somehow. Growing up is part of life, but isn't it true that we always want them to stay little?

But now...

His upper right tooth is out, and now he talkth like thith. It'th awfully thweet, though...

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