Wednesday, September 12, 2007

All About Cats

Early in the month of August, 2006, Nana took Olivia on a walk, and when they came back, there was a small, deserted kitten on our steps. We took it in, and named him Winston (after Winston Churchill). At the time he looked like a little runt, but now he's outgrown his "kitten-hood" friend, Katarina (after Katarina von Bora), who was bigger than him when they were young, and has shown the other cats that he's the boss, but they don't really care. [Editors Note: Katarina was a large black kitten who showed up at our house two days before Winston did... Unfortunately, she died an unnatural death back in May, from something that's still unidentified.] Here is Winston a few weeks after we found him, and very wet after his monthly bath in the sink...

And here he is a few days ago....

Also featuring....

Katarina...Winston's Ex-playmate. :'(

And Alexander (the Great)

 to word this? He's a pure-bred blue-point Birman. Bored.

Olivia and Ophelia.....and yes, we get their names confused all the time ("did anyone clean up Olivia's hairball yet?"). ;-)

(Posted by Ruby, with Dad additions...).


Anonymous said...

you are so cute!


The Serven Clan said...

Did you change my comment?

Anonymous said...

NONONO! Wait! Different Ben...sorry about that! hahaha! I wouldn't want you two to get mixed up. there's an age difference too, he's about five yrs your junior. :)

I'm assuming this was the comment you meant?

~Chloe, covering for Ruby who is out shopping