Saturday, July 5, 2008

This Poor Boy....

I am very sorry that we have not kept up with our posting... Yesterday we returned from a short vacation at the Clarke's house. They were on vacation, so we inhabited their property for five days. I would have done some posting, but we didn't have access to the internet, which was rather nice. :) We had a week full of swimming in the pond, romping, and whatever else you do in the country!

I must confess that Chloe and I read a good deal of the time we were there, but we weren't wasting our time. The book was The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte, and it is strongly recommended by both of us.

Anyway, this post wasn't supposed to be about that book. The country and bug bites go hand in hand. On the way home, we counted a record 41 mosquito bites on one of Luther's legs, with 16 on the other. He bore all the itching and scratching surprisingly well for a five year old. Hopefully we will get some pictures up shortly (not of his legs, of our trip)—that is, as soon as we find the camera and import the pictures.


Unknown said...

Well Chlo and Rubs, I enjoyed the book too. :) very glad that you had a good vacation- and got some imaginative reading in too!

Ruby Jean Hopkins said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving it to Chloe! If you hadn't, we might have never heard of it! (And who knows where we would have been then?? ;) )


Anonymous said...


The previous comment (previous to the previous one posted) was deleted because I accidentally published it under the wrong user. :-| Just so you know :).
