Tuesday, April 8, 2008

School in the Spring

When it comes to finding a quiet, pleasant place to do school at this time of year, things at the Hopkins home get....interesting. Today Chloe and I decided that we would do all our subjects (which basically consisted of Shakespeare, Dickens, Poetry Selections, and History) on the roof. With a little difficulty, we passed books, blankets, pens, binders, papers, and eventually ourselves out of the little sewing room window. (Formally Peter's room.) Laying down the blankets to make it comfortable, we sat down and got to work. It was so pleasant, and we spent the majority of the day out there, it being extremely nice to be able to be outside, in the sun, but not being idle. :) Gabriel took some pictures of us.


Anonymous said...

ok, that's...different. Once I did science with Tessa, but that isn't as weird as on a roof. Looks pretty comfy. Where was Gabes when he got the pictures?


The Howard Family said...

How fun! I sat in the middle of our yard in the sun all day doing school (well, and watching Baby) and actually have a slight sunburn! :-) I LOOOOOVE this kind of weather! Right now it's 11:30 at night and it's 61 degrees out! God is SO wonderful!

Enjoy it while it lasts,

Anonymous said...

Fun, fun fun! I love this time of year when you can do work outside. I think fresh air makes me think better. I wonder if Mommy will let me sit on the back porch roof... Hope so... probably not though... ;) We have a picnic blanket constantly out on the back porch (not the roof) to lay down on the grass when we want to sit. What's the roof you're sitting on cover? Wow... I think this is the longest comment I have ever posted on any body's blog... except for once but that was along with Livi.

~Emma who just had raw chocolate ice cream... Yummmmmm!